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Fourteen Hills 28, Summer 2022


Estrellita "Sen" Ruiz, Quinn Rennerfeldt Fairchild


Cover Artwork

"Dolabela Engineer" by Guilherme Bergamini


Featuring Stacy Doris Memorial Award Winner

B.P. Sutton​


Poetry + Fiction + Literary Non-Fiction + Art

Sean Cho A., Ashleigh A. Allen, Valeria Amirkhanyan, Guilherme Bergamini, John Blair, Ciaran Cooper, Angie Cruz, A. A. deFreese, Jacques Denault, Art Por Díaz, Megan Erickson, Kate Gardiner, Mary Henn, Saúl Hernández, Natasha Huey, Liz Iversen, Nicholas Karavatos, Stefan Karlsson, Patrick Kindig, Ronald Koertge, Nathan Kosta, Catherine Kyle, Sean Maschmann, Cameron Moreno, Hema Padhu, Andrew Porter, Mary Lynn Reed, Laura Ritland, Alex Wells Shapiro, Christopher Strople, Edward Michael Supranowicz, B.P. Sutton, Don Swartzentruber, Grace Wagner, Erin Wilson, Amber Wong, and Candice Wuehle.





Fourteen Hills Press is staffed exclusively by graduate students in SFSU's Creative Writing program. We publish the annual Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review and annual chapbooks. Fourteen Hills is committed to publishing the best of original poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, and cross-genre work created by writers in the US and abroad.

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Fourteen Hills is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses

© 2018 by Fourteen Hills, SFSU Dept. of Creative Writing

1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132

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